Thursday, December 17, 2009

Winter has begun

After weeks of grey and rainy, yet not very cold weather, finally it seems that winter has seriously started here in this little town of Beppu. It has been snowing since the night before yesterday. Basically, it only snows on high mountains but well my campus is also located on a mountain too so I just had to walk through the windy snowing condition to class. It's not very enjoyable though. The holiday is going to start next Wednesday and I've already been planning about going to Ari-ake Sea in Saiga, instead of focusing on so many tests I'm going to have before the holiday starts. Anyway, it's good to see the snow again and I'm trying to get used to it before going to Hokkaido where it's gonna be like ten thousand times colder than this. Just wish me luck hahaha.

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