PS. I'm now having problem with my own blog. The Followers and Recent Comments boxes are not showing up in my browsers. I normally use Firefox and both gadgets are not showing. I tried Google Chrome and the result was the same. However, both gadgets work well when I use IE. I'm wondering if any of you are also unable to see my Followers and Recent Comments as well. Lots of people seem to be suffering the same problem as mine too....
I can't see either in Safari on my mac...........
Jeez so that means no one can follow my blog now.....
Your Swallows are at a similar stage to mine. No probs with Blogger here but I switched to Firefox as my Windows IE was so slow.
I use Firefox because my IE was slow too, Phil....and now I have problems with Firefox as well...
Good for those Swallows! I'm using Firefox too and no, I can't see the Followers and Recent Comments. I tried IE and they're not visible either.
Blogger often seems to get problems that mysteriously fix them selves after a few days. I tried on 3 browsers and none of them showed followers/comments.
You can still follow your blog (the 'follow' option os in the top left hand corner).
I had the comments gadget but found the formatting was poor so removed it.
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