Friday, November 25, 2011

Shorebird Videos

Still remember the Whimbrels from this post and the Kentish Plover and juvenile Grey-tailed Tattler from this post? Now they're back again in video format. I don't have the same video editing program that I used while I was in Thailand, which was the Cyberlink Power Director. It's a great program but like other great programs, it's not free. I didn't want to buy it again, so I just didn't do any more editing until I found that YouTube has quite a nice video editing function. All the contrast, brightness and stabilising were done by the YouTube video editor. It's very easy and the result looks satisfying. Now I don't have to bother looking for any other video editing software. Don't forget to select 1080p for full HD viewing!

Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus variegatus)

Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nihonensis)
This one was shot handheld but the stabiliser in YouTube video editor did a great job.

Juvenile Grey-tailed Tattler (Tringa brevipes)


Russell Jenkins said...

Wonderful camera work, Ayuwat. I love the focussing and dof on the kentish plover but i'm very concerned that the Grey-tailed Tattler has fishing line wrapped around its legs. Maybe you could forward the footage to a local conservation or birding group. It is very useful for educational purposes. it happens too much to coastal birds, i've seen it in australia and tried in vain to rescue the victims. Your work is also a great ad for youtube.

Ayuwat Jearwattanakanok said...

Thanks, Russell. I actually tried to catch the tattler as it was very tame, but it didn't let me catch and flew out towards the sea. I can only hope that it manages to find enough food to survive until it reaches Australia.

Stuart Price said...

The Kentish Plover one is great..........

Choy Wai Mun said...

Ayuwat, I have always admired your photographs and now, your video footages are just as good. Well done.