So this post will be a mix of photos I took within last month. There are many photos I've taken and processed but haven't put up here in this blog. Last month's birding mainly covered around Furui-chi and Sekino-e area. There were some interesting migrants passing by during the last week of May. These included Pheasant-tailed Jacana, Whiskered Tern, Cattle Egrets, Red-rumped Swallows and House Swifts. Most of these had already gone except the swift and the swallow which seem to be nesting somewhere around here.

Before taking off, the bird always stretches its wings first.

And the below shots were all taken at Asami on the same day I took photos of the Green Pheasant. The place was a small cultivated area located on the hill and bordered with thick forest and city. In the forest, I found several flocks of Red-billed Leiothrix, Siberian Meadow Buntings and surprisingly a Common Kingfisher. It was perching around a small stream in the forest. I've never seen the species in habitat like this before. Lots of Oriental Bush Warblers were singing on treetops in the morning and followed with lots and lots of Lesser Cuckoo's songs.
Red-billed Leiothrix
Oriental Bush Warbler
Here's a fledgling of the Meadow Bunting.

This female Grey Wagtail was very busy collecting foods for her youngs. It seemed like the nest was very far away so I just couldn't follow the bird to see its chicks.
And a panoramic view of Asami area where I photographed the pheasant to finish up with.

You have some good pictures there Ayuwat. I particularly like the Whiskered Tern flight shots and the Leiothrix, a new one for me, looks very interesting. I would quite like a walk in the area of that lotus field and pond too, it looks to be very productive for birds as well as flowers. Nice panorama to finish.
Thanks a lot Phil!
I also like the Leiothrix though it's a very common bird around here, but it's always nice to see those colours, plus it's got quite a pleasing song.
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